Districts 2-S3 and 2-S5 had a combined Mid Winter Conference 1/15/2011 in Manor Texas. The most memorable portion for most of us was comments by the Ramirez Family. You could tell how proud the whole family was with the Father, mother, older brother and Camper all proud of the camper's accomplishment. Mom did most of the talking, telling how she had been bugged by a Lion to let her son attend Texas Lions Camp. She said she could not consider it because he would be away from her and he could not survive in such an environment. After all he was only nine years old and required frequent visits to the hospital. This harassment continued until her son decided he wanted to go and started a campaign to get permission. With much foot dragging by Mom, the camper gets to go to the camp. He did fine at the week of camp. During the awards ceremony, Mom takes pictures of the various campers getting their awards. When the ceremony is about to end with only the Outstanding Camper award to be presented, she packs up her camera and returns to her seat. Big Brother asked her to wait in case little brother gets the top award. She says no, he is only 9 and could not get such an honor. His name is called for the award. What really got to me was when his mom was asked questions. He was asked what was his favorite activity? He responded "Swimming". He was asked if the counselors helped him with the swimming? He responded, "The FIRST day"

An interesting presentation was made showing a variety of ideas for inducting the new officers of a club. They all emphasized how the leadership team requires a set of different types of team members with different roles to make an effective team. PDG Charles Villeneuve used a cooking metaphor to show how the various ingredients were needed.
PDG Angie Nicholson used the parts of a hamburger to emphasis the synergistic importance of the parts to contribute to the total leadership team.
PDG Gil Burrell used hats to depict the different roles. He sure did have funny looking models.
There was a Tail Twister Contest where various Tail Twisters came forward and attempted to entertain us and part us from out bounty. We were at a disadvantage because Wimberley's own Tail Twister Kathy Gould was not there to show off her New Year's diaper along with her challenging games.