Mike Jones is a busy Lion. He serves two Lions Clubs. Mike joined the Wimberley Lions Club even though it was some distance from his home at Canyon Lake. He reliably works parking lot number 1 starting at 6:00 a.m. every Market Day. Mike is also a founding member of the Canyon Lake North Shore Lions Club founded last fall. He is actively involved with that club. He has sponsored five kids for this summer's Texas Lions Camp, four from Mountain Valley Middle School and one from Rebecca Creek Elementary. Mike is a prostate cancer survivor and is sponsoring a fishing tournament to fund prostate cancer education. The information is below. If you can't participate in the tournament, consider going to the fish fry.
See you there!
Canyon Lake, TX Fishing Tournament
Fish Fry
Fish fry will begin at 3 pm at Little Jacob’s Creek Park. The fish fry is open to the public. All are welcome to stop in and get a plate. Asking for a $10 donation per plate of Fish, Fries, coleslaw and water/tea/coffee.
Raffle tickets will be sold on site for prizes. Some of the raffle prizes include:
Aviation Academy New Braunfels Introductory Flight in a Cessna 172
Veracity Aviation New Braunfels Helicopter ride over Canyon Lake
The Tackle Box Rod & Reel
Guided fishing trips
Mike Jones $100 Walmart Gift card
Tournament Details:
Launch site and weigh in for the tournament will be from Little Jacob’s Creek Park. This is an open team tournament with $100 entry fee per team. Which includes beg bass fee of $10 per team. 60% of entry fee will be given as prize money paying a minimum of 3 places. The other 40%will be donated to the US Too Prostate Education.
Tournament is a shotgun start at 6 am with final weigh in at 3 pm. Results and prizes for tournament awarded at the Fish Fry benefit, beginning at 3 pm – Little Jacob’s Creek Park, Canyon Lake, TX.
Consolation prizes will be drawn for non-placers.
For additional information call 830-935-3414 or email travis@canyontacklbox.com or come by the Tackle Box!