Once a year the Wimberley Lions make a trip to Kerrville to the Texas Lions Camp for crippled children. The Lions prepare and serve an outdoor meal for the campers and staff of the camp. This meal is usually Hamburgers or Bar-B-Que with all of the trimmings.
About 400 campers and staff show up. The Wimberley Lions Club has a good reputation among the camp staff assuring a high turnout.
The camp host two types of campers: traditionally the camp provided for physically challenged children. It also has sessions for children with diabetes. These children learn how to test themselves for their blood chemistry and how to handle out of range conditions. Due to the special needs of the campers, there is a high ratio of staff to campers with emphasis on the medical side. These kids get to experience all facets of camping from horseback riding to cannoeing to overnight camping. Often a wheelchair bound camper has their first experience of swimming and horseback riding at this camp. The pool is designed where a wheelchair or crutches can be used to wheel or walk into the pool without the trauma of jumping into the pool.
Graduation/Awards Night is on Friday and each camper is recognized for their achievements. You can not set through this ceremony without both crying and having a feeling of pride in Lionism.
On Sunday, June 28, the Wimberley Lions Club members will be loaded up with food and supplies by 1:00 PM. The plan is to be cooking by 3. The campers will start lining up with their group about 6. You might see a child with no legs in a wheelchair being pushed by one that is blind. Both singing or chanting a drill chant their counselor is teaching them. All are having a good time. They will eat in the pavilion. The staff is always friendly and help with hauling away the trash. The Lions and spouses who participate in this worthy cause will be hot and tired. But they will have a great feeling of accomplishment.