There are two candidates for the position of 3rd VP in our Lion election. Here is a chance to learn more about them.
RJ Pata
RJ Pata joined the Wimberley Lions Club in 2005, sponsored by Carson Carey. At Market Days, he is the Day Rental Manager. He has responisibility for the registration of day renters on the Thursday before a market day, the gate attendants, booth inventory, assignment of day rental booths, and the assignment of pro bono booths. His crew of volunteers often includes his wife, Debby. RJ worked with the Senior Geography Project from Texas State University.
RJ has been on the Wimberley Lions Long Range Planning Committee. He has also provided free surveying services to the Lions Club and Habitat for Humanities.
Linnea Bailey
Linnea Bailey also joined the Wimberley Lions Club in 2005, sponsored by Bill Meek. At Market Days, she is the Staffing Manager. As Staffing Manager, she assigns Lions to the field positions they are most needed. She also coordinates with both individual volunteers and volunteer organizations to complete our staffing needs.
Linnea serves on the Wimberley Lions Donations Committee. On this committee, she investigates donation requesting organizations to assure the validity of their request. Her knowledge of the volunteers at market days is uniquely helpful. Linnea has been a member of the Board of Directors as Member at Large for one year, three years a member of Youth Exchange Committee, on the Program Committee, participated in the Danforth Academic Challenge, and will be joining Bill Meek as an advisor to the Katheryn Ann Porter Leo's Club.