The operation and actions of the Wimberley Lions
organizations is by committee. As
someone coined it is committee-centric.
Most Lions that stay in the Wimberley Lions Club more than a year or two
are active in at least a couple of the committees. This is where your voice is heard, you make
friends and you demonstrate your talent so you are sought for leadership
I plan to describe each committee and what it performs. The hope is to identify to you which committees
you would like to participate and enhance your Lion experience.
The Wimberley Lions Club officers include three Vice
Presidents that typically progress from 3rd Vice President up
through President. Each of the three club VP’s are assigned
oversight of specific committees. By the
Vice President to participate in those committees they are assigned, they gain
knowledge and appreciation for the complete breadth of the club’s activities. This education provides an informed President
when they are sworn in at the beginning of the Lion Year.
The 3rd Vice President is assigned committees in
four areas: Communications, Health Programs, Texas Lions Camp & youth
programs, and Programs for Meetings.
Lion Dan Williams coordinates the Communications Committees: Historian,
Lion Information & Newsletter, Member Committee List, Public Relations, and
Market Day Publicity.
Wimberley Lions Club has a rich and interesting history. The creation of one of the oldest and largest
outdoor markets and achieving the $3,000,000 in donations . Frances Jones
leads this committee in capturing the pictures, documents, and
multimedia that archives these events.
Work can be done to standardize the collection process and to the
collection of the data to complete past data.
There is always work to collect current data and ephemeral for the
INFORMATION & NEWSLETTER. The primary focus is communication to the
club members: both active and Members At Large, to Lions in District 2-S3, and
secondarily to the public. This is to
keep interest in existing members to promote participation and retention. Dan Williams leads this committee in
publishing a Newsletter. Currently a
Facebook presence and blog are in use.
Other internet venues need to be evaluated. The Newsletter is currently being distributed
email and trough the District Website.
It also needs to be distributed by mail to those without access to
They sort out who is on what committee.
Lee Gibson heads this committee to develop the list of members for each
committee each year and distribute that information to the club members. This requires getting the members’ wishes and
coordinating with the committee chair and the approval of the Board.
primary focus is communications to the public with secondary focus on commuting
to the members. This is a major
recruiting tool to show the community what all of the good the Lions are
performing while having a lot of fun doing so.
Frances Jones leads this committee with the placement in photos and
articles in publications. Respond to
District programs for publicity.
This committee lead by Madonna Kimball is part of the Market Day
Management Team. It promotes Market Days
through all areas of media, prepares the Monthly Vendor Newsletter, works with
web master of, administers Field Account Advertising Budget,
and must coordinate all activities with Market Day General Manager.